When Mom’s dementia deteriorated to the point where she could no longer resist our help, my brother and I moved her into an Alzheimer’s facility near my house. Now that our relationship has changed so dramatically (I’m the caretaker and she’s the child), I’ve been searching for a way to write about our difficult relationship. What I’ve decided on instead, is to take a different route. Rather than focus on our relationship directly, I’ll focus on my journey through her jewelry boxes. I’m expecting that I might end up in the same place, but without having to confront all the difficult issues directly. It just feels better to focus on the good stuff.
Mom’s a fashionista and a jewelry maniac. She had a passion for collecting bold jewelry from around the globe and around the corner. (I am finding it hard to not use the past tense when writing about Mom, so if I slip now and then, please forgive me.)
As I’ve pondered this project, the many reasons for doing it are very clear to me. First, writing about Mom has been a nagging undercurrent for me for many years. But I have a huge barrier against sitting down and directly addressing the many facets of our mostly tumultuous relationship. So, reason number one is the ability to address our relationship from a side door: to do the thing, without coming at it with a bulldozer.
In doing this project, I am forgiving myself for cleaning out her house, and donating most of her things. If she knew, she would kill me. Really. I mean it. I donated things that she would have preferred that I either keep (but where would I put them all?) or that I find the one of the five people on earth who collect those kinds of things and would have paid a pretty penny for it. I guess what she would have wanted was that I photograph each individual thingy or item of clothing, and put it on eBay. But I didn’t. So, in doing this one thing (which I really think she would have liked, if she could have understood it) I am making up for all those other things that simply went to woman’s shelters, Goodwill, and so on.
So, that’s it. I’m blogging about jewelry to create a tribute to my Mom, her eye for fashion and her bold spirit
Now a few organizational tips. I’ll be blogging about a new piece of jewelry about twice a week for a year, so we’ll be covering about 100 pieces of jewelry. You’ll find those posts listed under the “The Jewelry Blog” tab. Reader submitted stories are listed under their own tab, and are some of the best stuff here, so be sure not to miss them. Better yet, join us by submitting your memory here.
Barbara J. Feldman
P.S. Have questions or comments you don’t want to post here? You can reach me via my support desk Reply To Barbara.
P.P.S. Don’t we look fab in these pix? Here’s the rest of the photo shoot.
P.P.P.S. Apr 15, 2010: We are officially launched now with this press release over at PRWeb.
Oh Barbara this is a really nice idea and i think that it is the best .it has really touched me and plz keep it up .you are really an exiting person who needs great friends ok.
I would like to ask if i can send an email or brochure in regards to our Photo Editing Services.
Looking forward to your reply.
I found your site in search of readings and poems for a Mother Daughter night at our church. One of our ladies donated two boxes of her mom’s costume jewelry for our tables and our theme. Can you offer any poems or readings; maybe a good laugh about the connection mothers and daughters share when it comes to our jewels and how the most important jewel we have is eachother?
Bath Christian Church
Historic Bath, North Carolina
So touched by your story. what a beautiful idea – girls deeply bond with their mothers over the family heirlooms and jewellery n clothes. so nice to celebrate that,
Barbara – what a beautiful idea. I’ve never heard of anyone working through the inevitable difficulties in such an neat way. Good luck with it.
Thanks, Aaron! You are my first commenter with an avatar. Thought I’d take the opportunity to tell my visitors that they can get a little picture by their name, if they sign up at Gravatar and associate a thumbnail pix with their email address. You can learn more here.
What a great idea. A nice positive way to remember Mom. I know what you are going through. I am struggling with similar issues.