I have watched my father go from a strong, independent man to a frail, elderly man. Particularly over the last year I have seen our roles switch. Last year he had several falls which highlighted his weakened body. He also has shown increased memory loss. He had to spend time in rehab and is now in assisted living. The man who guided me through my childhood and young adulthood now needs guidance and extra care in every aspect of life. I must take care of his finances, make sure someone does his laundry, keep track of his medical appointments, figure out his transportation, and ensure that he is able to feed and dress himself properly. I also have to make sure that he is interacting with others where he lives and doesn’t isolate himself. I certainly feel like I am the parent and he is the child who is regressing.
I think you BOTH look gorgimous in your Mom’s treasures, as we say in the second grade!
Some of us can just rock a bauble.